Makeup and Hair for new tv series launching on Amazon Prime!

September 11, 2019
Spent Saints, a new tv series releasing on Amazon Prime this month!
I did makeup and hair!


Just finished makeup on a psychological thriller!

October 8, 2017
Just was the Key makeup artist on a shoot with Director Jesse Rice for a psychological thriller! Shooting in the wee hours of the night to create this piece, can't wait to see the whole production. Etherial and beautiful with a touch of insanity and blood.  Blending my makeup talents and testing me beyond my bedtime ;)
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Roland DGA Commercial Print Shoot!

March 5, 2015
Graphics commercial Print Shoot in March!
Natural-high color exotic look. Natural beauty, perfect lines/sharpness to accentuate the precision of Roland graphic printers. Crazy lashes and color are a makrup artists's dream!
Photos to come! 
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